Mitarbeiter von Goldbeck Solar mit einem Banner mi der Aufschrift

Visit to the Weierweiler I+II solar project

An exciting insight into the diversity and possibilities of the solar industry on site at the largest solar park in Saarland.

Last week a group of our new employees made an interesting trip to the neighbourhood. They went to the largest solar park in Saarland, which GOLDBECK SOLAR is building together with Sunera Erneuerbare Energien GmbH just a few hours away from Hirschberg in Weierweiler in Saarland. On site at the Weierweiler I+II solar project, the new members of the GODLBECK SOLAR family were able to gain an insight into the operational and technical aspects of implementing such a project and were able to ask our technical staff their questions.

Excursion to Weierweiler is an important part of further training

“This excursion is ideal for introducing new colleagues to the exciting diversity and rapid development of photovoltaics in just one day,” explains Christian Hödtke, Head of Technical Standards and Applications. The solar energy industry is developing rapidly and is becoming increasingly professional and small-scale. “We are also observing a shift in priorities. While the focus was previously often exclusively on low installation prices and maximizing the yield, investors are now also focusing on the topics of grid integration and quality. This is important, he said, because the plants are taking on a major task in terms of supply security, grid stabilization and infrastructure expansion.

Mitarbeiter von Goldbeck Solar mit einem Banner mi der Aufschrift

Weiterbildung im Solarpark Weierweiler

Take time for familiarisation, strengthen sense of responsibility

To achieve this, it is essential for GOLDBECK SOLAR not to lose touch, to keep its employees up to date with the latest technical knowledge and to encourage them to take responsibility for this development and in the solar industry. “In order to keep up with the enormous speed in the PV business, we have changed a lot over the last few years. New business areas have been added which will give us more flexibility in the future. As a result, our team has grown very quickly. In order to optimally integrate and accelerate the integration of all new employees, we regularly visit construction sites, such as now in Weierweiler for the Weierweiler I+II solar project.

In addition, regular visits to manufacturers are organised to learn about and communicate the latest developments and trends. Only those who are up to date can also offer the best for their customers worldwide. Because “not every new product is always an improvement,” explains Christian Hödtke. “From an EPC’s point of view, sales, planning, processing and purchasing must harmonize in order to put all components together to form an optimal system. At GOLDBECK Solar, every employee is quickly given a lot of responsibility. Even the new ones. Therefore, it is all the more important that, especially at the beginning, experienced employees take time to answer questions. And where better to do this than directly on projects we have implemented. This way we will grow together and achieve our goals together.

Besuch im größten Solarpark des Saarlandes

Mitarbeiter lassen sich das Solarprojekt Weierweiler erklären

Ein Blick auf die Solarpaneele in Weierweiler

Mitarbeiter schaut sich Solarpaneele genau an

Mitarbeiter beim Ausflug zum Solarprojekt Sunera

“I am very grateful that the company is investing in our training in such a gratifying way. When it comes to planning, it is very important to be able to visualize the details of the actual area. This information allows me to improve the quality of my work.”

GOLDBECK-SOLAR employee Graciela A.

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