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With a construction time of just eight months, GOLDBECK SOLAR has built Zonnepark Midden-Groningen almost in record time. Currently the largest solar park in the Netherlands, it was connected to the grid at the end of 2019 and has been supplying around 3,000 households with green energy ever since.
Project size leads to increased planning effort
For GOLDBECK SOLAR, Zonnepark Midden-Groningen was the largest project in the Benelux countries in 2019. Despite this, the experienced EPC company managed to build the plant on behalf of Astronergy in just eight months so that it could be connected to the grid in November 2019. It was also the first project to be connected directly to the TenneT high-voltage grid. “Due to the size of the project, the organization was a major challenge. We had to coordinate numerous trades to enable the grid connection in the fall of 2019,” explains Luca Simonetti, Project Manager at GOLDBECK SOLAR. “However, thanks to the good cooperation with our partner Greencells and ABB on the grid connection side, we were ultimately able to successfully complete the connection on schedule.”
Over the next few months, the Zonnepark will also be designed to blend in perfectly with the surrounding landscape. For example, a hedge is planned that will serve as a green barrier and separate the solar park from the surrounding houses. At the same time, birds and insects will be able to breed and live undisturbed on the existing flower and meadow areas.
Solar park supplies over 33,000 households
A good 317,000 Astronergy 325 Wp solar modules were installed during the construction period on the almost 120-hectare site on the Sappemeer near Groningen, providing an installed capacity of 103 MWp. This is enough for at least 33,000 households, which can now obtain green energy via Zonnepark Midden-Groningen. This results in CO2 savings of around 45,000 tons per year. This makes the Zonnepark currently the largest solar park in the Netherlands. GOLDBECK SOLAR is once again demonstrating that it can also successfully implement projects of this size – in the Benelux countries and worldwide.