Project development

The basis of a liveable and ecological future is energy supply from renewable sources. We create the basis for sustainable solar systems as early as the project development stage.

We contribute to security of supply by building large, high-performance solar systems. Sound project development is the key to sustainable solar projects and, in future, battery energy storage systems(BESS). We are at your side as a reliable partner right from the start and create a solid basis for sustainable solar and BESS projects as early as the project development stage – from the initial idea to turnkey handover.

Our promise: Based on sound data analyses, our experience from more than 23 years in the solar industry and hundreds of successfully implemented projects, we create optimal conditions for sustainable and high-yield solar systems. Our goal: to promote the urgently needed expansion of renewable energies and operate power plants efficiently. In doing so, we are making a valuable long-term contribution to the complete transition to green energy.

Our project development services

Land development for landowners

For landowners, we specifically develop areas with solar potential. For suitable sites, we take care of the entire implementation process, from technical planning and obtaining all the necessary permits through to grid connection, electricity marketing and the construction of the PV system/battery storage system. Our expertise ensures the sustainable development of your site into a productive solar location.

Cooperation with external project developers

External project developers benefit from our experience and resources to realize their solar projects more efficiently and safely. We support you with our knowledge during every project phase and ensure successful development and implementation.

Purchase of project rights in the development phase

If you are developing a project or a project pipeline and need an experienced partner who can fully realize, structure, market and manage the project: GOLDBECK SOLAR is happy to get involved in project development. We offer a flexible solution for developers who need support or want to dedicate themselves to new projects.

Project development from A to Z

During project development, we lay the foundation for the success of every solar project. Whether site selection, grid connection clarification or approval procedures – we work with you every step of the way, systematically and reliably. We remain your point of contact from the first contact to realization. You can rely on our extensive experience and expertise in project development.

1. location check

We analyze whether the potential site is suitable for the installation of a solar power system. In doing so, we evaluate both the approval situation and the economic framework conditions.

  • Area analysis to assess the suitability for approval
  • Network analysis
  • Analysis of the political situation
  • Examination of economic efficiency and eligibility for remuneration

2. preliminary planning

We draw up the technical preliminary planning and check the options for the grid connection. We also present the project to the municipality.

  • Draft of an initial PV concept
  • Site visit for site inspection and concept presentation
  • Conclusion of the lease agreement
  • Presentation to the municipality

3. authorization

Together with the local municipality, we draw up a development plan.

  • Start of the urban land-use planning process
  • Obtaining expert opinions and approvals
  • Developing the participation concept with the municipality
  • Completion of the urban land-use planning procedure

4. EPC

We build the solar system and connect it to the grid.

  • Detailed planning
  • Purchase of the required components
  • Construction, including preparatory measures, civil engineering, mechanical and electrical installation, grid connection
  • Start of your rental income for the next 30 years

5. operation and maintenance

We make sure that your system works efficiently and profitably:

  • Maintenance and servicing (technical management)
  • Asset management (management of the system from the owner’s perspective, commercial, but also technical optimization)
  • Electricity marketing

Advantages of a photovoltaic park

Large solar parks offer numerous advantages for a sustainable energy supply. Sunlight is free and almost always available. The sun is therefore one of the central energy sources for a future-proof and sustainable energy system. Solar parks operate silently and do not emit any pollutants. Solar plants not only contribute to climate protection, but also create local jobs. Thanks to their high area efficiency, they can generate large quantities of clean electricity and leave a minimal ecological footprint. High-performance photovoltaic systems can be installed on large areas, supplying enough electricity for thousands of households. Our Lärz/Rechlin project serves as an example: on a 30-hectare site, there is space for a plant with an output of around 30 megawatts, which supplies enough clean electricity for almost 10,000 households every year. Another advantage is the long-term utilization option: after a service life of around 30 years, the photovoltaic systems can either be renewed or dismantled without leaving any residue, allowing the land used to be returned to its original purpose.

You are welcome to contact us directly.

FAQ – Frequently asked questions

We develop conventional ground-mounted photovoltaic systems and biodiversity systems from a size of 30 megawatts. For agri-PV projects, we recommend an area of at least 40 hectares, depending on the working width. Animal PV systems require a minimum area of 50 hectares.

The lease payments are made over a period of up to 30 years from commissioning of the solar park and can be extended by a further 5 years if required.

We are happy to discuss this question and other mutual rights and obligations with you. We like to focus on partnership-based constellations and it is important to us that all parties enjoy the joint venture.

Our projects are primarily sold to institutional investors who already have experience in investing in renewable energies. We are also happy to sell to wealthy private individuals with the relevant experience. We see long-term partnerships as valuable for both sides, efficient in implementation with a high degree of deal security.

The plant will be completely dismantled at the end of the term and all holes will be backfilled with topsoil to restore the original condition. The natural topography of the area will remain unchanged.

GOLDBECK SOLAR Investment: What we do
Luftaufnahme des Sunera-Solarparks

Area lease

Solarpanele in einem Solarpark

Our project pipeline

kununu Top Company 2025