Die Einweihung des Solarparks Döllen
Döllen, Germany solar park
Döllen, Germany solar park
Luftaufnahme des Solarparks Döllen

CEE Group and GOLDBECK SOLAR commission 154 megawatt peak solar park in Döllen, Brandenburg

The Hamburg-based CEE Group, asset manager for renewable energies, has joined forces with GOLDBECK SOLAR, the builder of large-scale PV plants, and commissioned the Döllen solar par, currently one of the largest ground-mounted plants in Germany. The Döllen solar park has an installed capacity of 154.77 megawatts peak.

Approximately one year after the groundbreaking ceremony, the CEE Group and GOLDBECK SOLAR invited guests to the inauguration of the large-scale Döllen solar park project (in the municipality of Gumtow) in the Prignitz district of Brandenburg on 30 June 2023. In addition to official representatives from the region, many local residents and representatives of the partners involved in the construction of the plant also accepted the invitation. During the inauguration ceremony, the park was put into operation by symbolically connecting the “green plug” to the electricity grid. Following the ceremony, guests were delighted with an opportunity to personally explore the vast dimensions and cutting-edge technology of the solar park through a guided tour. The architectural firm Dressler also presented the archaeological finds findings that were unearthed on the site during construction of the project.

Around 160,000 megawatt hours of “green electricity” annually

With an impressive installed capacity of 154.77 MWp, the Döllen solar park is set to generate approximately 160,000 megawatt hours of clean, renewable “green electricity” annually. This significant output equates to powering approximately 36,000 four-person households with sustainable energy. Situated on a former agricultural area in Döllen, within the municipality of Gumtow in the Prignitz district, the free-standing solar park was meticulously planned, constructed, and erected by GOLDBECK SOLAR GmbH, headquartered in Hirschberg an der Bergstraße. The project was successfully executed in collaboration with antlike solar from Elmenhorst/Lichtenhagen. The project was financed by DAL Deutsche Anlagen-Leasing GmbH & Co. KG. Solar modules from Astronergy. The electricity from the solar park is fed into the grid of E.DIS Netz AG, a regional energy grid operator for Brandenburg and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. In cooperation with E.DIS, the transformer station in Schönhagen was also built for the solar park.

Solarpark in Döllen completed on schedule

“We are pleased that the solar park at the Döllen site has been commissioned on schedule. With a nominal output of 154.7 MWp, this project represents a significant milestone in advancing the energy transition in Germany. We extend our sincere appreciation to all the individuals involved for their exceptional professionalism and consistent commitment, particularly amidst the challenges encountered during this mega project,” stated Detlef Schreiber, CEO of the CEE Group.

Frank Grafe, CIO of the CEE Group adds: “The seamless coordination of all trades among each other was characterized by the high professionalism of all companies involved in this important project. We particularly appreciate that.”

Joachim Goldbeck, CEO of the GOLDBECK SOLAR Group, explains: ” We take immense pride in the timely completion of the Döllen solar park. Throughout the construction process, we encountered various unique challenges, including complex ground conditions, adverse weather, and disruptions in the supply chain due to geopolitical events. Overcoming these hurdles magnifies the significance of achieving our scheduled milestone. This project stands as a shining example of our dedication to forging a future powered by clean and renewable energy sources. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the CEE Group and all the involved companies for their outstanding collaboration, which was instrumental in bringing this vision to life.”

The law firm Taylor Wessing and the consultancy firm 8.2 Obst & Ziehmann GmbH acted as legal and technical advisors respectively in this transaction. The company Pexapark is providing support regarding the marketing of electricity via a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA).

Portrait von Joachim Goldbeck
Joachim Goldbeck, CEO von GOLDBECK SOLAR
Portrait von Frank Grafe
Frank Grafe, CIO der CEE-Group
Portrait von Detlef Schreiber
Detlef Schreiber, CEO der CEE-Group. Credit: CEE Group

Über die CEE Group

Die CEE Group ist ein auf Erneuerbare Energien spezialisierter Asset Manager mit Sitz in Hamburg. Mit einer Erfolgsbilanz von über 90 Transaktionen im Bereich der Erneuerbaren Energien und einem Portfolio von rund 2,3 Milliarden Euro an Assets under Management ist die CEE ein kompetenter und zuverlässiger Partner. Das Hauptaugenmerk der CEE Group liegt auf der Wind- und Solarenergie. Die CEE Group verfügt über 45 Onshore-Windkraftanlagen mit einer installierten Leistung von rund 640 MW sowie über 49 Photovoltaikanlagen mit rund 1.002 MW. Die Gesamtkapazität beträgt damit rund 1.642 MW. (Stand: 31.03.2023)

Als international agierendes Unternehmen bietet die CEE Group ihren Kunden nachhaltige Investitionskonzepte mit langfristigen Renditechancen im Wachstumsmarkt für Erneuerbare Energien. Mit ihren unabhängig agierenden Gesellschaften verfügt das Unternehmen über ein umfassendes Leistungsspektrum für Projekte in diesem Segment. Investoren sind insbesondere institutionelle Anleger mit einem langfristigen Interesse an Erneuerbaren Energien.

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