
Invest in a solar power plant in the form of a solar roof, a PV power plant in an open area or a solar system on your premises .

Implement your solar parks with us.

Generate your energy with a commercial solar system. We cover the entire value chain of a large solar project. We would be happy to show you how you can plan, finance , implement and maintain your solar park. Rely on GOLDBECK SOLAR and invest in renewable energies and the advantages of a healthy climate.

Luftaufnahme der Solaranlage Dillington Estate in Hurcott, United Kingdom

PV Solar parks: ground mounted

Agri-PV: Ein Traktor zwischen Solarmodulen


Solardach Störtebeker in Stralsund

PV Flat Roof Systems: Commercial & Industrial

Today it is no longer a question of whether you act as climate-neutrally as possible. The only question is how quickly you can become climate neutral. Our products offer you the alternatives to achieve your goals.

Tobias Schuessler
Managing Director at GOLDBECK SOLAR

Auszeichnung: Silber Medallie Sustainability Rating 2023 Top-Innovator 2024 – Top 100