Solar energy with foresight and consideration

Intersolar 2024: GOLDBECK SOLAR shares visions and innovations

As an international expert in the turnkey construction of industrial, commercial and large-scale photovoltaic systems, GOLDBECK SOLAR is a regular guest at Intersolar 2024. The leading global trade fair for the solar industry will once again offer the company the opportunity to present and discuss the latest technologies and sustainable concepts.

For 23 years, GOLDBECK SOLAR has been pursuing the vision of developing solutions that protect the climate and work in harmony with nature to ensure the foundation for a healthy and sustainable planet. As a “Clean Energy Gateway”, the company will be focusing on new technological developments as well as increased climate protection, Agri-PV and biodiversity at the trade fair from June 19 to 21.

GOLDBECK SOLAR takes a climate-active approach to the future

Solar energy is climate-neutral because the generation of PV electricity is completely emission-free. However, this is not enough for GOLDBECK SOLAR in the long term, because the experts for turnkey plant construction always take a holistic approach. After all, the big picture of the solar industry includes everything that happens before, after and alongside solar power generation.
Founder and CEO Joachim Goldbeck sees a need for action in the industry and is taking a proactive approach: “The solar industry is booming and this requires motivated further development at various levels. Renewable energies serve to protect the environment, and by this we don’t just mean ‘solar power’ per se, but all aspects from A to Z. We critically scrutinize the impact our solar power plants have on the environment. What impact does construction have? How does a solar power plant affect biodiversity? We don’t want to rest on our laurels, we need innovations and to think outside the box in order to develop solutions that protect our planet in the long term.”

Everything from a single source – for the customer and the climate

With GOLDBECK SOLAR, commercial and industrial customers enjoy an all-round service package tailored to their individual needs. The range of services covers the entire value chain of a solar project, from project development and financing to the construction and integration of storage technologies, technical operation and asset management of the systems and the direct sale of clean energy. Whether customers require a specific service or a comprehensive complete solution: GOLDBECK SOLAR can support with individual services as well as complete storage and solar energy systems.
From its very core, the thinking and actions of the established solar energy company are never just one-track. Every economically motivated step is also examined from an ecological perspective. Consideration for sustainability and environmental impact requires foresight that goes beyond the actual generation of energy. In these aspects, GOLDBECK SOLAR stands for solution competence across the board – from construction to operation to disposal.

Creating win-win situations for people and nature

The Agri-PV concept opens a valuable perspective for large-scale photovoltaic operations. Due to the principle of dual use of agricultural land for the parallel generation of solar energy, the factors of efficiency and sustainability are particularly pronounced here. Within the framework of Agri-PV, the land equipped with PV is used twice: The solar panels are arranged in such a way that they receive enough sunlight to generate energy and the fields can be cultivated. The concept has a whole range of positive effects, including reduced water requirements, weather shelter for animals, heat protection for plants and an additional source of income for the operator.
On the path to sustainability, GOLDBECK SOLAR is guided by a decisive indicator: biodiversity. The consideration and preservation of biological diversity play a key role in the company in order to develop ecologically effective solutions in a targeted manner. On the one hand, the aim is to protect and enrich habitats and, on the other, to be aware of our own role as part of the ecosystem – respectful, appreciative, and conducive to species richness and genetic diversity of flora and fauna.
GOLDBECK SOLAR consistently focuses on all of these topics and can be explored in greater depth at stand A5.480 at Intersolar 2024. The “Clean Energy Gateway” is wide open to interested trade fair visitors – for new impulses and holistic perspectives that bring energy and the environment together.

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