O&M: Operation & Maintenance

Everything at a glance: the digital construction site

Digital tools and cloud-based technologies support us in many everyday processes. We also want to use these advantages for our PV systems. With the digital construction site, GOLDBECK SOLAR is testing the future of solar plant construction in solar projects in Germany and Canada.

What does a digital construction site look like?

The digital construction site system enables us to make all documents and information relating to a solar installation available and usable for everyone involved at all times.

In concrete terms, this means

  • A digital twin of the project facilitates planning and coordination. Dhis is particularly ffor subsequent operational management within the scope of O&M services and warranty management.
  • Plans, assembly instructions and directions are made available in the cloud. Tasks and defect lists are also available digitally.
  • Construction progress is documented and monitored by drone. The comparison with the project plan takes place automatically.
  • Reports are generated automatically. In addition the system collects data and KPIs and thus provides a good basis for calculating to calculate, plan and execute future projects even more accurately.
  • Quality control is backed up with digital workflows.

Central component of our workflows advantage for our customers

The digital construction site is an advanced platform that enables direct and up-to-date coordination between our customers, our partners and internally – always based on the latest data, quickly and directly.

It is part of our corporate philosophy to actively develop the solar market and create new solutions for solar projects. We integrate promising innovations, such as the digital construction site system, into our work processes and use our more than 20 years of experience and expertise to further optimize these approaches. For us, this is a central component of our daily work – and a decisive advantage for our customers. After all, they are often among the first to benefit from the pioneering innovations of the solar market.

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