Solar company shortlisted for Smarter E Award with new GEOS development
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Solar company shortlisted for Smarter E Award with new GEOS development
Goldbeck Energy Optimization System (GEOS for short) is the name of the software that will enable consultants and planners to find the best concept for building energy more quickly and easily in future. The program calculates hundreds of energy scenarios within seconds and visualizes the most promising ones in a way that is easy for laypeople to understand.
District heating and chiller?, PV system with ice storage or combined heat and power plant plus heat pump? – GEOS calculates the best energy scenarios for heating, cooling and electricity for every office building within seconds. “What an experienced planner could previously suggest on instinct or had to laboriously work out the complex process with many variables, GEOS now calculates quickly on the basis of building data,” explains Lukas Romanowski, Innovation Manager at Goldbeck. This enables planners and consultants to provide customers with even more comprehensive support from a modular energy system. According to the Innovation Manager, it is also great that the customer experiences more transparency in the decision-making process. “Our medium-sized customers in particular are very open to GEOS’ suggestions. They themselves are experts in their field, but rarely professionals in building or energy technology. With more visualization and plausibility checks, we can better support entrepreneurs,” explains Romanowski, who is currently in the rollout phase with GEOS within the Goldbeck Group. Initial feedback from key users when using it in real projects has been very positive: “The short calculation time and clear diagrams make consulting much easier.
After calculating the efficiency of the respective energy scenario – taking into account investment costs, operating costs and CO2 savings – the options are compared with a reference scenario. By default, the most economical model is used as the reference. After an initial selection, two to six options remain, which the customer can check again according to their criteria. “In this way, we compare sustainability and cost-effectiveness and offer the buyer the opportunity to decide on the appropriate load profiles and system design,” explains Romanowski. He and his team were supported by the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics (ITWM), which provided the statistical and algebraic calculation models behind the software, for example. The expert jury of The smarter-E-Award also recognized the innovative power of the GEOS software and shortlisted the system. The focus is on solutions and concepts that use renewable energies, decentralization and digitalization to intelligently connect all energy areas from the electricity, heating and transport sectors. Captions: Goldbeck’s GEOS energy optimization system makes various energy scenarios in office buildings transparent and visualizes the most sensible options. (Photo: Goldbeck) Lukas Romanowksi, Innovation Manager at Goldbeck: “GEOS enables comprehensive energy building planning in less time and makes suitable scenarios understandable for laypeople.” (Photo: Goldbeck)