The traditional system of energy supply is changing. Forecasts show that electricity demand will continue to rise, particularly due to increasing sector coupling.
The traditional system of energy supply is changing. Forecasts show that electricity demand will continue to rise, particularly due to increasing sector coupling.
“Now is a good time to invest in a solar system and become an energy producer yourself. Solar will be the mainstay of the future energy supply”, says Joachim Goldbeck in his function as President of the German Solar Industry Association. For the expert, the advantages of solar energy supply are obvious. On the one hand, this represents the currently favourable form of energy generation compared to new and, in many countries, even existing conventional power plants. “On the other hand, solar energy is clean and environmentally friendly. In addition, modern solar systems are easy to build, flexible to use and low-maintenance thanks to their modular design. On top of that, they do not interfere with the visual appearance and underneath the solar systems fascinating biotopes of flora and fauna are created, which offer important retreat areas to many species.” So it comes as no surprise that the newly installed capacity of solar power systems in Germany is expected to increase by 30 percent in 2018 compared to the previous year. “In fact, more and more entrepreneurs and commercial enterprises are recognising that they can reduce costs and gain independence and price security with solar systems,” says Goldbeck. “However, even more extensions are to be expected for the switch to cheap and clean energy. This will require more usable space, which will require more flexibility in the current restrictions imposed by the legislator. Here our association calls on politicians to make the right decisions.”
Die Goldbeck Solar GmbH ist seit zwei Jahrzehnten ein verlässlicher Partner, wenn es um die Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Solar-Projekten geht. Das Leistungsspektrum des Familienunternehmens erstreckt sich von der Beratung über die schlüsselfertige Errichtung bis zu Überwachung, Wartung und Instandhaltung. „Damit eine Photovoltaik-Anlage wirklich zum Erfolgsprojekt wird, muss sie auf das Dach oder die Fläche, wo sie errichtet werden soll, auf die Bedürfnisse des Bauherrn sowie auf die verschiedenen Bodenverhältnisse bzw. Deponieabdichtungssysteme individuell abgestimmt sein“, rät Goldbeck. Unter dem Strich sei die Entscheidung für eine Solaranlage für Unternehmen nie so erschwinglich, vorteilhaft und einfach gewesen wie heute.