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We have shared common values since the company was founded in 2001. They are the basis for our decision-making. Our pillars are trust, customer focus, intelligence, professionalism and the will to succeed. These five core values characterize our company and the way we deal with our customers, business partners, suppliers and employees. The GOLDBECK SOLAR compliance guideline contains requirements for compliance with national and international laws, rules and ethical behavior. It lays the foundation for continued successful cooperation and the sustainable development of our company. It supplements the GOLDBECK SOLAR corporate guideline, which describes our self-image, our goals and the standards for our actions. The regulations laid down here are accessible to our customers and business partners and are also binding for them. Compliance is a task for all employees in our Group. In addition to acting as a role model, line managers therefore have the task of ensuring that the employees in their area of responsibility are aware of the compliance guidelines, remain aware of them and follow them. This requires both personal discussions and organizational measures. Violations of the compliance guideline will not be tolerated. The GOLDBECK SOLAR management ensures that the defined standards are implemented throughout the entire group of companies and are lived with our employees, customers and subcontractors. Hirschberg, 01.02.2024